Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe

The book is about four brothers and sister, Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy
(in order from oldest to youngest), who discover a magic world through a wardrobe. The children are sent to a school in London to live with old Professor Digory and Mrs. Macready. One day while it is raining the children decide to explore the house and Lucy discovers the magic land of Narnia through an old wardrobe in a hidden room. She meets a faun, Mr. Tumnus. At first he tries to take her to his home so he can turn her over to the white witch because all the creatures of Narnia are ordered that if they ever see a “Son of Adam or a Daughter of Eve” they must capture them and turn them over or they will get charged with treason. Tumnus brings Lucy to his cave but instead of tricking her into going with him to the queen, he grows quite fond of her and tells her the whole story of how he is really trying to capture her right now and that he is sorry. Lucy accepts his apology and tells him to not feel bad, for he is really a nice faun. He then helps her return to her world, back through the wardrobe. When Lucy returns she tries to tell her brothers and sisters about Narnia, but they think that she has gone mad, and Edmund even takes it further as to mock her. Lucy is very upset by this and locks herself in her room for two days. On the third day, the children decide to play hide and seek, and Lucy winds up hiding in the wardrobe. Edmund sees her go into the wardrobe, and decides to follow her. When Edmund arrives in Narnia he does not see Lucy, but he does get approached by the White Witch (he does not know at the time that it is the White Witch because she announces herself as “Queen of Narnia”, although she is not). The White Witch invites Edmund to come with her on her sleigh so he can get warm, and spoils him with Turkish delights and hot cocoa. She then asks him to bring the rest of his brothers and sisters to Narnia, and tells him that is he follows her orders, he will be prince and then King of Narnia. He agrees to this and accidentally slips that Mr. Tumnus helped Lucy get out of the wardrobe safely. The White Witch is angered by this news, but she does not show Edmund and she leaves him. As soon as the White Witch leaves, Lucy runs up to Edmund, ecstatic to see him. He does not tell her about the White Witch and they both return to the wardrobe. When they return Lucy is excited to tell Peter and Susan that Edmund went to Narnia with her, but when she tells them Edmund lies and says that he did not go and that he was just pretending with Lucy. This makes Lucy even more upset than the first time they didn’t believe her, and Peter gets mad at Edmund for being so mean to Lucy. A few days pass and the argument slowly blows over. The kids decide that they want o explore the house some more, so they begin to explore. On this particular day Mrs. Macready is giving a tour to guest, and the children were told not to make a ruckus when guest were in the house. To try to get away from Mrs. Macready and the guest before they get in trouble all of the children rush into the secret room and then into the wardrobe. They all begin to fight through the coats in the wardrobe and end up falling into snow. In shock and amazement, Susan and Peter realize that they are in fact in Narnia. They immediately apologize to Lucy and make Edmund apologize also. They then ask Lucy what she wants to do, and she takes them to Mr. Tumnus’ house. When they arrive at the cave they the children find that his cave has been broken into and he has been taken into captivity by the witch. Lucy is very upset by this, but the children do not wish to waste any time, and they decide they must go and help Mr. Tumnus. While walking through the forest they are encountered by a beaver, Mr. Beaver, who request to take them back to his dam and explain to them how important they are and tell them about the prophecy of Narnia. When they arrive at the dam Mrs. Beaver has dinner ready, to the children’s delight, and they sit down to dinner and Mr. and Mrs. Beaver begin to explain the prophecy. They tell the children how Narnia was put under a spell by the White Witch, a spell that makes it always winter and never Christmas in Narnia, and the only way the spell can be broken is when the 2 sons of Adam and the 2 daughters of Eve sit on the 4 thrones in The Great Hall of Cair Paravel, after fighting in a battle with Aslan the Lion, King of Narnia. When Mr. Beaver was done talking to the kids, everyone realized that Edmund was missing. They ran out looking for him but they soon realized that he had betrayed them and went to the White Witch’s castle. When Edmund reaches the castle the Witch is furious that he came without his brother’s and sisters and instead of treating him to Turkish delights she gives him a hard loaf of bread and water. She then calls her dwarf slave to get her sleigh ready and calls her wolves. She tells her wolves to run ahead to try to sniff out the other children, then she loads up Edmund on her sleigh and heads out. Meanwhile the children, along with the beavers, head toward Aslan, who is waiting at the stone table, because this is the only way they can save their brother and Narnia. While they are heading towards the Stone Table, they notice that it is getting warmer outside, which proves that the spell is beginning to break and that Aslan is getting closer. While on their journey they hear a sleigh with bells and begin to run fast because they fear that it is the Witch. Much to their surprise it is not the Witch it is Santa Clause! He awarded each child with a gift to help them during their battle. Lucy receives firefly juice that can heal anyone who had been wounded. Susan receives a bow and arrow that promises to never miss and a horn, that when she blows it is guaranteed that help will come. Peter receives a sword and shield because he is the leader in battle. The Witch also notices that the spell is breaking because her sleigh will no longer move in the grass and she is forced to walk. The children finally reach Aslan at the stone table, and tell him what happened with their brother. Aslan tells them that he can help, but it will not be easy since his brother betrayed them. Soon after they arrive at the Stone Table Peter faces his first battle. While he and Aslan are talking he hears Susan’s horn and runs to her rescue. She and Lucy are stuck in a tree and being attacked by the White Witches wolf pack. Peter charges the wolf and cuts through him with his sword. In fear the rest of the awful creatures flee, and Aslan orders his men to follow them because they will lead them to the White Witch and Edmund. Later, the White Witch demands a meeting with Aslan, and he accepts. She tells him how Edmund is a traitor and according to the old Deep Magic all traitors belong to her and she must kill him. Aslan knew of this, but he takes her to talk in private. When they are done talking they return to Aslan’s people and tell them that the Witch changed her mind and that Edmund was in no danger. When she leaves Aslan tells everyone to move from the Stone Table and go to the hilltop. Aslan then directs Peter in how to fight the battle, and tells him how he will not be there to right with him. Later that night Susan and Lucy cannot sleep, so they wake up together and find that Aslan is leaving. They follow him and he tells them that they can walk him, but only until he tells them to stop then they must go no further. When Aslan orders the girls to stop following him, as they arrive at the stone table, they crouch down and hide behind a bush. They then witness the White witch and all of her evil creatures bind and shave Aslan, and then put him to his death on the stone table. Lucy and Susan are deeply saddened and as soon as everyone leaves to go prepare for war, they run to Aslan to try to unbind him. After they had been crying for several hours, they realize how cold they are and decide to get up and walk around a bit. As soon as they walk away from Aslan, they hear the stone table crack, and find that Aslan is missing. When they go back to the table Aslan comes up behind them and is alive. He tells them that before Deep Magic there is a spell that says if an innocent person sacrifices himself for a traitor then death will be reversed. He then tells the girls of their long journey ahead and how they can ride on his back on their long trip to the witches’ castle. When they arrive at the witch’s castle they find all of the statues of people that the witch had turned into stone with her magic wand. Aslan hurries around the castle and blows on all of the statues to bring them to life. The most exciting statue that he brought to life was dear Mr. Tumnus! Lucy was very happy to see him. After all of the statues are brought to life, they begin their quest back to the land to help Peter and the rest of the creatures in battle. When they arrive at the battle scene the good guys are being beaten badly, and Peter is fighting one on one with the witch. Aslan runs down and jumps on the White Witch, instantly killing her. The other good guys fight the bad creatures, and win the battle almost immediately. After the battle is over, they find that Edmund is almost dead because he sacrificed himself to break the White Witches magic wand. Lucy quickly runs over to him and feeds him some of her firefly juice. She then runs around to all of the other hurt creatures and gives them some of her firefly juice while Aslan breathes life into the statues. After the battle they all go to The Great Cair Paravel Hall and Peter, Susan, Lucy and Edmund are crowned and given their thrones. Aslan leaves soon after, but everyone knows he will soon be back. Many years later when all of the children are grown, they are in the woods chasing a creature that if caught will grant them all their wishes. While they are hunting for it they run into a lamp post that is familiar to them. They follow the trail which leads them back into the wardrobe. When they arrive back in their world they turn back into their young ages, are in the same clothes from the beginning of the story, and no more than a few minutes have passed. They run to the professor and tell him everything. He believes them and tells them that they can no longer go to Narnia through the wardrobe, but one day they will be able to go back another way.

1 comment:

Hyangmi said...

Please check Vista for your fourth journal and reading grades.